Support to "Zeine" Association


Support to "Dizénidani" Association



Gorom-Gorom, Burkina Faso

The socio-economic activities of the Zeine association

A Collective of Farmers from the Region of Oudalan, Northern Burkina Faso

In 2010, local community leaders set up the Zeine Collective project in the market town of Gorom-Gorom, the capital of the Oudalan Province in Northern Burkina Faso.
A busy market town, it is the capital of the Oudalan Province in the north of Burkina Faso. 


Since 2012, when the Cuomo Foundation started its support, about thirty wells have been drilled or rehabilitated in the region. These infrastructures have a direct impact on the entire community, benefiting numerous herders and their livestock, particularly in the dairy farming sector.

With the Foundation's assistance, the association has also implemented the "Alpha" project, which provides literacy and numeracy classes for adults living in Gorom-Gorom and the neighboring village of Tin-Akoff.

The aim of these learning courses is to provide the predominantly illiterate participants with the basic knowledge necessary for



Enabling families with livestock to strengthen their economies

An ambitious new project was proposed in 2019 which the Foundation agreed to fully support. This new action program aims to strengthen the resilience of communities to climate change and food security through improving living conditions, diversifying sources of income and providing educational care for the young and disadvantaged.

Specifically, the program’s objectives are to :

  • Improve access to drinking water for 200 households by rehabilitating 5 boreholes in the Zeine intervention zone
  • Improve the nutritional situation of 75 vulnerable households by providing 4 goats per household
  • Support the livestock of 500 households with the setup of a “pastoral bouli” that will provide water for more than 1,000 animals per year to strengthen the local economy—livestock farming is the province’s main income-generating activity
  • Provide schooling to 30 vulnerable children whose parents are severely socioeconomically disadvantaged.

Due to the sudden escalation of violence in the northwest of the country, many thousands of civilians have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. These displaced are vicariously living in host communities. In response, the Zeine Association has extended their latest program to support some of these internally displaced refugees in their region.

First-hand accounts from those who benefited...


The educational and cultural activities of the Dizénidani association

The local Association promotes education in the poverty-stricken area of Tiebele…

The Dizénidani Association for the promotion of education in Tiebele (ADPET) operates in Tiebele, home to the Kassena people amongst the oldest ethnic tribes in southern Burkina Faso.

Annual Summer Camp designed for Disadvantaged Children

“Dora” painting contest is the other big annual event, which sees the girls from nearby schools participating in the safeguard of the traditional Kassena mural paintings.

“Dora” is a technique used in Tiebele’s famed Royal Court, a heritage site showcasing the richness of Gourunasi architecture this part of Burkina Faso is internationally renowned for.
The competition is also a moment of sharing and transmitting traditional values, where the elders pass by their oral knowledge to the youth.

This annual event supports a valuable tradition’s continued existence.

Annual painting Contest to Preserve Cultural Heritage

Le concours de peinture “dora”, destiné aux jeunes filles des établissements scolaires, vise à pérenniser la tradition picturale des Kassena.

« Dora » est une technique utilisée dans la célèbre Cour Royale de Tiebele, un site patrimonial qui met en valeur la richesse de l’architecture Gourunasi pour laquelle cette partie du pays est célèbre.
Durant le concours, les aïeules transmettent leur savoir ancestral aux jeunes filles, les aidant au passage à assumer les futures responsabilités sociales et domestiques qui les attendent.

Le projet se veut garant d’une tradition centenaire transmis depuis des générations.

Dizénidani Football Cup

Dizénidani Cup football tournament is the 3rd major activity of the ADPET association.

Held annually, the contest, where the most advanced school teams of the region encounter their rivals, aims to convey, through football, the universal values of sport— solidarity on the top of it.




First-hand accounts from those who benefited...


Project Updates

Unesco World Heritage Committee 2024 accepts the Royal Court of Tiébélé for Inscription


Il a fallu douze longues années pour que le site, situé au sud du Burkina Faso, convainque la communauté internationale. C'est chose faite. La Cour royale devient le quatrième site à figurer sur la convoitée liste de l'UNESCO.
The Monaco Government and the Cuomo Foundation commit to assisting vulnerable children in Burkina Faso


This three-year project will be supported by Samusocial Burkina Faso and Samusocial International (2022-2024).
The grand dame of DORA murals at the Royal Court of Tiébélé honoured as a ‘Living Human Treasure’


One of the oldest members of the community of the Royal Court of Tiébélé has been honoured and designated a ‘Living Human Treasure’ by the Ministry of Culture, Arts & Tourism of Burkina Faso.